Let’s Talk About Workshops & Health Empowerment
I work with healthcare providers and community organizations who serve people of color.
Here’s How We Can Work Together
Health Empowerment Workshops & Talks
2 Hour Work Shop
Health Empowerment BOOSTER Workshop
For healthcare providers and community organizations serving people of color.
Choose one topic for a focused training and development session:
Toxic Stress from Medical Racism
Nutrition and Sleep
High Blood Pressure and Diabetes
1.5 - Hour Talk
Audience Activities
30 Min Q+A Session
$1800 / 2 Hr. WkShp
Travel & Lodging Not Included
3 Month Work Shop Series
Health Empowerment SERIES Workshops
For healthcare providers and community organizations serving people of color.
A series of workshops delivered at your facility. Each session is designed to train and develop small groups (up to 20 participants) on the following topics:
Toxic Stress from Medical Racism
Nutrition and Sleep
High Blood Pressure and Diabetes
Three 2-hour workshops (one per month for three months)
Small group training sessions
Trainings & Activities
30 Min Q+A Sessions
$3600 / 3 Mo. Series
Travel & Lodging Not Included
1.5 Hour Talk
Health Empowerment PRE-MED Real Talk
For Universities & Students in the Medical Field.
A 1.5-hour session designed to inspire and prepare pre-med students, followed by a Q&A session.
Pre-Med Booster / Pre-Med Shop Talk
Inspiring the Next Generation to Thrive in the Medical Field
1 - Hour Talk
Audience Activities
30 Min Q+A Session
$1600 / 2 Hr. Talk
Travel & Lodging Not Included
Reviews from Patients, Workshops & Events
“Dr. Gina Guillaume has demonstrated the capacity to access her healing process through perseverance & tenacity, which lead to high academic achievement in medical school, and now success as a doctor. In her seminars, she demonstrates a strong commitment to talk openly, to be heard emphatically, and to change the lives of others.” - Bruce Feathers
“Dr. Gina Guillaume did a wonderful job on her workshop and excellently explained "Toxic Stress and Lifestyle Management" A Culturally Specific Len". She was prepared, flexiable, and relateable. Dr. Guillaume was relevant, clear, concise, and open to feedback. I am definitely looking forward to her next workshop..” - Rachael Jackson
“Dr. Gina Guillaume’s mentorship during the Summer Urban Health Fellowship (SUHF) program was transformative. As a premed, her assistance with my personal statement and application advice were instrumental in making me a more competitive applicant. Now, as a third-year medical student in the PRIME LA program at UCLA, I can confidently say her guidance helped me get to where I am today.”
- Andrew Dossman